PAIDI Header Slider Eefje


Scandi style meets warm materials - high quality and grows with the child. To the Eefje programme


Children's furniture as versatile as life itself. To the Olli programme

Designed to grow.

Our mission as designers is not just to design furniture, but to create living spaces that meet the needs and lifestyles of families. We strive to combine functionality with modern design to create spaces that are not only aesthetically pleasing, but also functional – and therefore supportive in everyday life. We place particular emphasis on high-quality materials, careful workmanship and innovative solutions that enrich and inspire the lives of families.

Bruno Agostino & Josefine Röder
PAIDI Designteam


Olli highboard: purist, monochrome, innovative & customisable

Clean shapes and rich colours lend the highboard from the Olli range a monochrome chic with urban flair. This ‘high-calibre’ room solution combines modern design with practical functionality and brings style and organisation to any room.

To the Olli programme

Baby room

PAIDI Kategorie Babyzimmer

Baby room

Where adventures begin.

Discover baby rooms

Children's room

PAIDI Kategorien Kinderzimmer

Children's room

Where dreams grow.

Discover children's rooms

Children's desks

PAIDI Kategorien Kinderschreibtische

Children's desks

Learn creatively, grow in style.

Discover children's desks

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7 Gründe für PAIDI, Qualität, Erfahrung, Sicherheit, Klimaneutral, Mitwachsend, Nachhaltig, Schlaf

7 good reasons for PAIDI

Experience the perfect symbiosis of excellent design and proven quality. With over 90 years of experience in the production of high-quality children’s furniture, our furniture is specially designed to support and encourage your child’s growth. Rely on PAIDI for safe sleep, safe in the knowledge that our furniture is designed to be sustainable and climate-friendly. Rely on the know-how of our experts to give your child a healthy and restful night’s sleep.

PAIDI-Kinderbett umbauen: So geht’s

In diesem Blogbeitrag erklären wir dir, wann der richtige Zeitpunkt für den Wechsel vom Gitterbett zum Juniorbett gekommen ist und wie du ein PAIDI-Kinderbett umbauen kannst. » Mehr lesen

Ergonomischer Kinderschreibtischstuhl – ein Ratgeber

In diesem Ratgeber erhältst du Tipps, worauf bei der Auswahl eines Schreibtischstuhls zu achten ist, welche Funktionen wichtig sind und wie dynamisches Sitzen gefördert werden kann. » Mehr lesen

Kleines Kinderzimmer einrichten – ein Ratgeber

Unsere Designerin Josefine Röder gibt dir hilfreiche Einrichtungstipps, wie du ein kleines Kinderzimmer einrichten kannst. » Mehr lesen


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